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About Online Driver Education

The online driver education course is a 30-hour course (equivalent to 36 fifty-minute periods of classroom instruction) and includes components about alcohol safety, drug abuse awareness, aggressive driving, distracted driving, pedestrian and bicycle safety, handicapped parking, fuel-efficient driving practices, motorcycle awareness and organ and tissue donation awareness as required by law.​ The course must be completed in its entirety before the issuance of a certificate of completion. The online driver education course and the final test must be completed through a DMV-licensed online driver education school. No paper test permitted.


To benefit from the course, you must be able to work independently and be comfortable with using a computer. Mobile devices may be used but are not recommended.


All individuals who elect to take the classroom component of the Driver Education Course online must take the online course through a DMV licensed driver training school.



 Betel Driving School    


Tel: (703)  296  -1680     

Email: beteldrivingschool@gmail.com


901 South Highland Street,  Alexandria, VA 22204

 Copyright © 2006-2021. Betel Driving School, LLC. All rights reserved.